The Columbo Wiki

Jesse T Jerome was the owner of the Cabaret Of Magic, blackmailer of the Great Santini, and murder victim in Now You See Him….

Jesse Jerome was the owner of the Cabaret Of Magic alongside business partner Harry Blandford who owned 10% of the business. Jerome eventually discovered that a magician named the Great Santini was formerly a Nazi guard at an extermination camp during World War II named Stephan Mueller and took the opportunity to blackmail him. Jerome silenced an old man who had recognised Mueller and in exchange demanded Santini work for the Cabaret Of Magic and pay him most of his income. The magician eventually refused to pay Jerome anymore, leading to Mr Jerome typing a letter to the Department Of Immigration And Naturalization revealing his secret past as Sergeant Mueller. Unfortunately, before he could finish typing, a disguised Santini broke into his office and shot him dead.

Jesse Jerome was played by Nehemiah Persoff.
