The Columbo Wiki

Eileen McRae was Alan Mallory's writing agent in Publish Or Perish.

Eileen McRae supported Alan Mallory's decision to leave Riley Greenleaf and Greenleaf Publishing to write for Neal Publishing under Jeffrey Neal. McRae attended a party alongside Alan Mallory and Jeffrey Neal when a drunken Riley Greenleaf stormed in and threatened Mallory if he left to write for Neal. Eileen relayed this to Lieutenant Columbo when he questioned her during the investigation of Alan Mallory's murder the following day. Eileen McRae later went to an expensive diner with Jeffrey Neal during which Lieutenant Columbo arrived to question them both. During this, McRae told the lieutenant of Mallory's story he was writing, Sixty Miles To Saigon, and how she helped Mallory change the ending so that the hero would not die at the end due to Universal Studios wanting to make a film of the book but didn't think that a tragic protagonist death would go over well with film audiences. Columbo later consulted McRae on whether Eddie Kane's supposed manuscript was the same as Alan Mallory's book, to which she confirmed that it was. However, Columbo deduced that the manuscript could not have been written when Mr Greenleaf claimed due to it ending in the hero surviving, which was the new ending that Eileen had only recently helped Mallory write.

Eileen McRae was played by Mariette Hartley.
