The Columbo Wiki

Eddie Kane was a Vietnam War veteran from the United States Of America military turned explosive hitman in Publish Or Perish.

Eddie Kane was a bomb maker who was passionate about his craft and felt the need to pass on his knowledge, causing him to write a book entitled How To Blow Up Anything In 10 Easy Steps in an effort to prevent young explosives enthusiasts from accidentally blowing themselves up. When approached by publisher Riley Greenleaf, Kane agreed to follow through with an elaborate scheme to murder writer Alan Mallory and frame Greenleaf himself in exchange for the publisher agreeing to publish his book. Eddie follows through with the murder, and several days later Mr Greenleaf visits him at his home. The two celebrate with champagne and Mr Greenleaf asks Kane of how the murder went and of the legality of his book when Eddie drops down dead. This is due to the champagne having been poisoned in a ploy from Greenleaf to bump off Eddie and frame him entirely for an insane revenge plot to kill Mallory and frame Greenleaf for supposedly stealing the plot to a book titled Sixty Miles To Saigon from him.

Eddie Kane was played by John Davis Chandler.
